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Ivanka von Wolf der Schwarz Hugel


Sire:  SILVERTONE BUB DN58670804
Drive:  Medium - High

Temperamant I am super loyal and protective of my master.  I have a lot of energy and need regular exercise.  I am always on alert and will bark at any oddities around the ranch, knowing what belongs here and what does not.  I am very athletic and am solid muscle. I'm extremely smart, and obey very well. I love to run freely around the ranch and investigate my surroundings, including the chickens and cats, horses and cattle.  I am respectful of the other animals, I just like to watch over them.  I am also very kind and loving and make a perfect family pet and companion.

Weight:  70 Lbs.

oring:  Black & Tan

Health:  DM Clear/Normal


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